Malay Language Department
- To instill interest and passion in the learning of the Malay Language.
- To enrich pupils’ knowledge of the Malay Language and culture through MT Fortnight activities and learning journeys.
- To enhance teachers’ teaching competencies through professional sharing sessions, peer coaching, action research and lesson
- studies.
We believe that our children are ‘Leaders of Characters and Learners for Life’. As such, the Malay Language Department strive to provide the best for our pupils so they can reach their fullest potential.
Pupils Competencies
The ability to learn a language is when the students are able to acquire and master competencies that are laid for them. As such, these competencies are nurtured to our pupils so that they are able to acquire the language and will be able to use them in their daily conversations and communication, formally or informally.
Bahasa Melayu @ AIPS
Yang kurik itu kundi,
Yang merah itu saga;
Yang baik itu budi,
Yang indah itu bahasa.
Keindahan Bahasa Melayu dapat diperhatikan berdasarkan pantun di atas. Jabatan Bahasa Melayu di AIPS mahu terapkan keindahan Bahasa kepada semua murid kami agar mereka dapat menghayati keindahan Bahasa dan kemurnian budaya Melayu.
Kami telah menjalankan beberapa aktivit untuk sentiasa menarik minat murid-murid kami. Walaupun diambang COVID-19, pembelajaran Bahasa Melayu tetap giat dilakukan melaui SLS.
“Language is important as it is a vehicle for us to communicate with others about our ideas and feelings. It is also pertinent in transmitting our values and heritage to our young. There is a Malay saying ‘Bahasa menunjukkan Bangsa’, which means that the ‘language reflect ones identity or race’. Hence, to better understand the values and traditions embodied in their cultural heritage, our young must develop a sense of cultural awareness and confidence that comes from knowing their own Mother Tongue.
One of the important roles of MTL teachers is to support the learning of the Mother Tongue language not just through teaching the language but also through transmission of culture in shaping the values and identity of our next generation.”
Ms Grace Fu (Ministry Of Education)
Pak Tenas Effendy menyatakan dalam gurindamnya:
Tanda orang berakal berbudi,
bangga kepada bahasa sendiri.
Tanda orang yang tahu diri,
bercakap bahasanya sendiri.
Kemahiran Bahasa merangkumi kemahiran mendengar, bertutur, membaca, dan menulis. Pemerolehan kemahiran bahasa ini merupakan teras dan penguasaan bahasa baku. Oleh itu, Sekolah Rendah Ahmad Ibrahim telah melakarkan aktiviti-aktiviti di dalam dan di luar kelas yang sesuai dengan menaikkan tahap minat dan kemahiran murid-murid terhadap Bahasa Melayu.
Guru-guru kami mementingkan;
- Keselesaan bilik darjah bagi memastikan pengajaran dan pembelajaran dapat dijalankan dengan sempurna.
- Program yang padat dibentuk untuk memastikan murid-murid menerima pembelajaran yang berkesan dari peringkat darjah 1(asas) sehingga peringkat darjah 6.
- Pelbagai kaedah pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang bermutu telah diterapkan di dalam bilik darjah.
- Kerja kumpulan, kerja individu, pembelajaran secara holistik, peraduan bahasa dan pembelajaran moral serta budaya merupakan antara aktiviti-aktiviti menarik yang dijalankan di sini.