PEAR TREES and Annotations
PEAR TREES and Annotations
PEAR TREES strategy for daily conversations
PEAR TREES is a strategy that students can use in their daily conversations. It helps students focus on how they pronounce their words, express themselves clearly and expand on their ideas that they share with others. It can also help students to converse with their teacher on any particular topic.
Annotation for reading comprehension
At AIPS, students are taught annotating skills. Annotating a text can help students understand difficult material better and encourage active reading. Porter-O’Donnell (2004) suggested that students be given a bookmark each that detailed ideas for symbols to use in annotation and the types of comments they could make. Thus, a set of teacher-designed guidelines for the annotation of narrative texts is carefully crafted. This set of guidelines, which is made into a bookmark, is to help guide the students as they make their thinking visible. There is a common language and understanding for annotation among the students and the teacher. Students are strongly encouraged to use these symbols until they are able to establish their own preferred annotation styles and modes over time.