Aspirations@AIPS: Putting Social Defence into Action!
2025 Aspiration @ AIPS
2024 Aspiration @ AIPS
Aspiration aims to fulfil the wishes of students to the best of our ability! It is an avenue for student suggestions and a platform where teachers hear what makes our school a greater place for learning. The theme for this year is Student Wellness. It is a complex combination of a person’s physical, mental, emotional and social health factors. Numerous suggestions were received from our students. In fact, some of their wishes have already been fulfilled. Recess play, more library books, playing of tradional games, air-conditioned classrooms and the list went on and on. The committee will strive to make their dreams come true so long as they are practical, cost efficient and boost the morale of AIPS community.
2023 Aspiration @ AIPS
Aspiration@AIPS is a way for students to give the school suggestions and for the school to hear what can be done to make AIPS a better place for everyone. In Term 1, it was conducted on 8 February in conjunction with Total Defence Day.
The students were invited to suggest activities that could help develop good relationship amongst classmates or peers. This was tied to the theme of Social Defence, with people living and working together in harmony and spending time on the interests of the nation and community.
The lower primary students came up with class-based suggestions, while the upper primary students made independent suggestions. They submitted their suggestions via online platforms, either by QR code or the SLS platform. Thus, being environmentally-friendly and reducing the need for paper!
Based on suggestions from students from Term 1’s Aspiration@Aips theme, all classes were to make a mailbox out of a clear plastic folder and pin it on the class noticeboard. Students could start using this ‘mailbox’ to write their messages and wishes to their birthday friends.
In Term 2, our second Assembly programme was conducted on 5 April. The students were invited to suggest activities that could help them learn about another classmate’s culture. This was tied to the theme of Social Defence, Racial Harmony Day and International Friendship Day, which highlight people of different cultures living and working together in harmony. Students have been informed again about the criteria to consider when making suggestions.